Detailed Test
This test is used if methamphetamine residue is present. Our multiple strength sensitivity test kit can identify which areas are highly contaminated.
Directions for Use:
Test device (in closed pouches), samples, and controls should be brought to room temperature (15-30°C) prior to testing. Do not open pouches until ready to perform the assay.
- Take a single sample extraction tube with buffer provided and unscrew the cap. Place the swab into the tube for 20 seconds to allow swab head to be thoroughly soaked in buffer.
- Take out the swab and wipe the wet swab over 10 x 10 cardboard template. The best places to sample are above shoulder height on walls, above windows, doors and high airflow traffic. Keep the swab wet by dipping in buffer liquid a number of times while collecting samples. Swab sideways not pointing down.
- Insert the swab into extraction tube and mix well for at least 1 minute.
- Squeeze the swab several times by compressing the outside walls of the tube end against extraction tube and mix well. Finally squeeze the swab to make most of the solution stays in the extraction tube and remove the swab. Use extraction solution as test specimen.
- Close the cap and shake it a short time. Wait for 30 seconds.
- Place the test cassette on a clean and level surface. Unscrew cap cover from the bottle.
- Invert the bottle and transfer 3 drops of specimens (approximately 120 μ L) into region (S) at 5 second interval.
- Wait for control lines to appear on the membrane and read the results after 5 minutes and do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.
Interpretation of Results

POSITIVE: A colored line appears in the control region (C) and NO line appears in the Test region (T)

NEGATIVE: A colored line appears in the control region (C) and a colored line appears in the test region (T)